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Data Protection & Confidentiality

Leicestershire Community Projects Trust uses information provided by customers for the purpose of helping with drug- or alcohol-related problems.

We treat ALL information in the strictest confidence.

In order to ensure that you receive the most appropriate help we may need to pass information you have shared with us to another agency such as the NHS Community Drug and Alcohol Team so that they can offer you help.

A member of staff will discuss this with you should the need arise, and if you visit the office you will be asked to sign a release of information consent form to signify your agreement.

What Happens to These Details?

Personal details are held on file and on a computer. They are kept very securely under Data Protection guidelines. All information at the Trust is password protected and a computer ‘firewall’ ensures that this cannot be accessed from outside the organisation. All of our manual files are kept in locked filing cabinets.

We are also required to collect information on how well- or under-used our services are by different groups of people. Therefore, we collect information on things such as gender, age and ethnicity to provide reports to those that fund our services such as The Health Authority and Local Authorities. These statistical reports never give the names of people that have contact with us.

If you wish to see copies of our statistics then please ask a member of staff.

We are required to share information outside the service in the rare event that we think an adult or child is at imminent risk of significant harm.

Seeing Details Held About You

LCPT has an Access to Records policy that allows people to ask to see records that we keep about our work with them. If you wish to see information that has been recorded about you then please make this request to a member of staff.

Records are kept for 6 years from the period of your last contact with us and then destroyed.